Exclude Home When Using Hands-Free Closures
New Feature
for Model New S, New 3 and CT

Along with significant detection improvements to Hands-Free trunk, you can now select Exclude Home when enabling Hands-Free Frunk and Trunk to disable this feature at your set home location.
Exclude Home When Using Automatic and Hands-Free Closures
New Feature
for Model New X

Along with significant detection improvements to Hands-Free trunk, you can now select Exclude Home when enabling Automatic Doors Or Hands-Free Frunk and Trunk to disable this feature at your set home location.
Hands-Free Frunk
New Feature
for Model New S, New 3, New X and CT

Open your frunk even when your hands are full. Stand still in front of your frunk with Phone Key unobstructed, listen for the chimes, and the frunk opens on its own.
To enable this feature, go to your vehicle settings > Locks > Hands-Free Frunk. Ensure your phone settings allow Nearby Interactions for the Tesla app, or open the app and go to Phone Key > Upgrade. Keep people and clothing clear of moving parts.
Requires iPhone 11+ and Tesla app 4.31.0+. A future update will extend this feature to Android users.
Sentry Mode Light Pulsing
New Feature
for Model New S and New X

Sentry Mode softly pulses the headlights when a threat is detected to indicate an active sentry recording event.
Construction on Your Routes
New Feature
for Model New S, 3, New X and Y

Navigation now shows relevant construction zones along your route. To see this information, you must have Navigation > Online Routing turned on. Requires Premium Connectivity.
Predictive Text for Navigation Searches
New Feature
for Model New S, 3, New X and Y

With this update, your vehicle now suggests search terms in addition to locations as you enter text in the navigation search bar, enabling you to look more quickly for locations of interest.
Search This Area
New Feature
for Model New S, 3, New X and Y

Refine a navigation search when you zoom in or drag to a different area of the map by tapping “Search this area” when prompted.
Mobile App Notification for Tire Service
New Feature
for Model S, 3, X and Y

You are now notified via the mobile app when tire service should be scheduled for your vehicle. Touch the notification to schedule service. Requires mobile app version 4.35 or later.
Security Improvements
New Feature
for Model S, 3, X and Y

This update includes important security fixes and improvements.